Working with rkt

The rkt tool is a command line interface for running ACI containers. It also supports running Docker containers from Docker register download and automatic conversion to ACI with docker2aci.

There is an introduction to using rkt in the Tutorial. Alternatively, the Getting Started with rkt guide in the rkt documentation is very helpful. If you are already familiar with Docker, then this Medium post about Moving from Docker to rkt may also help you.

The rkt command comes with built in help pages:

$ rkt --help
    rkt - rkt, the application container runner

    rkt [command]


    api-service         Run API service (experimental)
    cat-manifest        Inspect and print the pod manifest
    config              Print configuration for each stage in JSON format
    enter               Enter the namespaces of an app within a rkt pod
    export              Export an app from an exited pod to an ACI file
    fetch               Fetch image(s) and store them in the local store
    gc                  Garbage collect rkt pods no longer in use
    image cat-manifest  Inspect and print the image manifest
    image export        Export a stored image to an ACI file
    image extract       Extract a stored image to a directory
    image gc            Garbage collect local store
    image list          List images in the local store
    image render        Render a stored image to a directory with all its dependencies
    image rm            Remove one or more images with the given IDs or image names from the local store
    list                List pods
    metadata-service    Run metadata service
    prepare             Prepare to run image(s) in a pod in rkt
    rm                  Remove all files and resources associated with an exited pod
    run                 Run image(s) in a pod in rkt
    run-prepared        Run a prepared application pod in rkt
    status              Check the status of a rkt pod
    stop                Stop a pod
    trust               Trust a key for image verification
    version             Print the version and exit
    help                Help about any command

    A CLI for running app containers on Linux.

    To get the help on any specific command, run "rkt help command".

      --debug[=false]                   print out more debug information to stderr
      --dir=/var/lib/rkt                rkt data directory
      --insecure-options=none           comma-separated list of security features to disable.
                                        Allowed values: "none", "image", "tls", "ondisk", "http",
                                        "pubkey", "capabilities", "paths", "seccomp", "all-fetch",
                                        "all-run", "all"
      --local-config=/etc/rkt           local configuration directory
      --system-config=/usr/lib/rkt      system configuration directory
      --trust-keys-from-https[=false]   automatically trust gpg keys fetched from https
      --user-config=                    user configuration directory

If you have followed the Tutorial or are already running a rkt container then the running container can be seen using the rkt list command.

$ rkt list
c7d3aaca    dev-rktmachine  dev-rktmachine  running 6 days ago  6 days ago  default:ip4=

Stop a running container using rkt stop.


The rkt stop command is run as the superuser because root privileges are required to start/stop containers on a system. However, listing the containers as earlier is fine as a regular user since it only needs access to rkt management data, not kernel calls.

$ sudo rkt stop c7d3aaca

The container will show as exited in the list now.

$ rkt list
c7d3aaca    dev-rktmachine  dev-rktmachine  exited  6 days ago  6 days ago

Stopped containers can be removed permanently by running rkt gc. This has a default grace period of 30 minutes where stopped containers are not removed. The garbage collection can be forced by setting the grace period to zero with --grace-period=0s.

$ sudo rkt gc --grace-period=0s
Garbage collecting pod "c7d3aaca-8536-43f3-9b83-1ba8887b4fbb"

$ rkt list
UUID        APP             IMAGE NAME                      STATE   CREATED     STARTED     NETWORKS

To see container images available to run, use rkt image list.

$ rkt image list
ID                  NAME                                SIZE    IMPORT TIME LAST USED
sha512-e1e9e1991658 dev-rktmachine                      1.8GiB  6 days ago  6 days ago
sha512-fdd18d9c2103 184MiB  6 days ago  6 days ago

It is common to start interactive containers for development workflows and typically useful to mount directories, e.g. source code, from the host computer via the NFS mount on the CoreOS VM.

An example is:

$ sudo rkt run \
    --interactive \
    --volume rktmachine,kind=host,source=$(pwd) \
    dev-rktmachine \
    --mount volume=rktmachine,target=/rktmachine \
    --exec /bin/bash

In this case, the current working directory is mounted onto the container. This is a handy shortcut when already in an NFS mounted directory on the CoreOS VM. On the container, this directory is available at /rktmachine.

Use exit to finish an interactive session.


To exit a non-interactive container or a non-responsive interactive container, press Ctrl+] three times quickly.

To delete a container image entirely use rkt image rm. This will mean that new instances of the container cannot be started until the container is reinstalled in rkt.

$ rkt image rm dev-rktmachine
successfully removed aci for image: "sha512-e1e9e1991658e3908f817164f01292ecaf44bed95e25167020c6cbe28d6b863b"
rm: 1 image(s) successfully removed

The images can be garbage collected similarly to the running containers but using the rkt image gc command instead.

$ sudo rkt image gc

Building Containers for rkt

The buildah tool from Project Atomic is the recommended software for creating OCI format container images. The buildah documentation contains detailed information on using the tool. In particular, see the buildah tutorials.

The Woof Woof, Inc. containers repository contains build script examples illustrating how to use buildah to make a variety of containers for development use.


Most services do not default to listening to all network interfaces. Instead they typically just listen on the localhost network. This is a problem when specifying a service to run inside a container because the localhost network in the container will not be available outside of the container. This means we cannot access the container service from our host computer.

Most services have command line options to change the network interface on which the service listens. Usually, it is sufficient to change this to be the interface, i.e. listen on all network interfaces on the container. This will then include the external network interface which our host computer will use to attempt to connect to the container.