The project source comes with a dev
directory which contains a script for
building a rkt Ubuntu container with useful development tools.
To build this you must have a system with an installation of rkt and buildah. For macOS, the RktMachine project provides an xhyve-based VM running CoreOS with installations of rkt, buildah, docker2aci, and other useful container tools.
Build the container using the provided build script:
sudo ./
This will make a dev-literacy.oci
in the directory. Convert this to
for installation into rkt:
docker2aci dev-literacy.oci
mv dev-literacy-latest.aci dev-literacy.aci
The conversion may require the docker2aci version from which has support for recent OCI container formats generated by buildah.
Install this into rkt:
rkt --insecure-options=image fetch ./dev-literacy.aci
This container is intended for interactive use, so to run it with rkt use:
sudo rkt run \
--interactive \
--port 8080:8080 \
--volume literacy,kind=host,source=$(pwd) \
dev-literacy \
--mount volume=literacy,target=/literacy
The current working directory is available on the container at /literacy