The Literacy command line interface for compiling .js.rst
and .json.rst
files. Use this for production environments to pre-generate JavaScript files
from reStructured Text code blocks instead of incorporating the require hook.
const literacy = require('./index');
The command line interface uses Yargs for option parsing, basic validation, and help. The options and names follow the babel-cli tool.
const argv = require('yargs')
'\n' +
'Literate programming in JavaScript using reStructured Text. This ' +
'command extracts code blocks from `.js.rst` and `.json.rst` ' +
'reStructured Text files.\n' +
'\n' +
'Usage: $0 [options] <paths>'
Require at least one input parameter. The Literacy command does not support stdin processing. More than one input file or directory source may be used.
To specify output generation to a file use --out-file
.describe('out-file', 'Compile to an output file')
.alias('o', 'out-file')
To specify output generation to a directory --out-dir
.describe('out-dir', 'Compile to an output directory')
.alias('d', 'out-dir')
When the input source is a directory, files other than .js.rst
files are ignored. If the output is also a directory then it may
be desireable in a build workflow to copy these files verbatim instead of
ignoring them. This can be specified with the --copy-files
.describe('copy-files', 'Copy unprocessed files to output directory')
.alias('D', 'copy-files')
Option to generate source maps for output JavaScript files.
.describe('source-maps', 'Generate source maps for output files')
.alias('s', 'source-maps')
Include a --quiet
option to suppress the console messages when files are
.describe('quiet', 'Suppress messages')
.alias('q', 'quiet')
Add help and version option handling.
.alias('h', 'help')
.alias('v', 'version')
Now that the options are defined, run the Yargs processor over the command inputs to produce an object with the flag settings and values.
Expand the input paths using glob expansion. This converts wildcard patterns to path locations.
const utils = require('./utils');
const inputs = utils.expand(argv._);
Basic validation of flags is included in Yargs. While Yargs can be configured to
reject if two flags are present, the output message is not user-friendly. So we
use manual validation for the conflict case where --out-file
are both present.
const errors = [];
const outFileFlagPresent = typeof argv.outFile !== 'undefined';
const outDirFlagPresent = typeof argv.outDir !== 'undefined';
if (outFileFlagPresent && outDirFlagPresent) {
errors.push('Cannot have --out-file and --out-dir.');
One of --out-file
or --out-dir
is required.
if (!outFileFlagPresent && !outDirFlagPresent) {
errors.push('Must have either --out-file or --out-dir.');
Similarly, Yargs can detect when a flag is present without another flag which it
requires but the messaging is not user-friendly. So we use manual validation for
the case where --copy-files
has been provided but not --out-dir
if (argv.copyFiles && !outDirFlagPresent) {
errors.push('--copy-files requires --out-dir.');
Verify the input paths exist.
const fs = require('fs-extra');
inputs.forEach(input => {
if (!fs.existsSync(input)) {
errors.push(`${ input } not found.`);
Disallow multiple input files for the output file option. The Literacy
command line tool focuses on a single task, transpilation of .js.rst
. For concatenation or minification, etc, use a follow-up build step.
The input must also be a .js.rst
or .json.rst
file, not a directory.
if (outFileFlagPresent) {
if (inputs.length !== 1) {
errors.push('Must have exactly one input file for --out-file.');
} else if (fs.statSync(inputs[0]).isDirectory()) {
errors.push('Input file cannot be a directory for --out-file.');
} else if (!inputs[0].endsWith('.js.rst') && !inputs[0].endsWith('.json.rst')) {
errors.push('Input file must be `.js.rst` or `.json.rst` for --out-file.');
None of these errors are recoverable so error out. Only need to specify a single error cause for this.
if (errors.length > 0) {
console.error(`ERROR: ${ errors[0] }`);
Compile a single file examples/blocks.js.rst
and output to a file. Uses
or -o
for the output filename.
literacy examples/blocks.js.rst --out-file blocks.js
Process the input file using the Literacy module and perform the output.
function transpileRstFile(inputFile, outputFile) {
try {
const output = literacy.fromFile(inputFile);
fs.writeFileSync(outputFile, output.content);
if (!argv.quiet) {
console.log(`Output written to ${ outputFile }.`);
if (argv.sourceMaps) {
fs.writeFileSync(`${ outputFile }.map`, output.sourceMap);
console.log(`Source map written to ${ outputFile }.map.`);
} catch (error) {
if (outFileFlagPresent) {
transpileRstFile(inputs[0], argv.outFile);
Compile the .js.rst
and .json.rst
files from a source directory and
output to another directory. This doesn’t overwrite any other files or
directories in the output.
Use --out-file
or -o
for the output directory name.
literacy --out-dir lib src
Compile multiple directories into the output.
literacy --out-dir lib examples src
Can specify a combination of files, directories, and wildcards.
literacy --out-dir lib examples/basic.js.rst src examples/webpack-literacy/**.js.rst
Processing of the output directory case has to take a different approach from single file output since it is necessary to take account of filenames relative to the input paths.
Start by defining how an individual file is handled. This includes the cases of
and .json.rst
files, other files when --copy-files
specified, and skipped files.
const path = require('path');
function transpileFile(inputFile, relativeOutputFile) {
try {
For .js.rst
and .json.rst
files, calculate the correct output filename
by joining the relative output filename to --out-dir
and trimming .rst
from the .js.rst
or .json.rst
suffix. Then use the single file
compilation code path.
let outputFile = path.join(argv.outDir, relativeOutputFile);
if (inputFile.endsWith('.js.rst') || inputFile.endsWith('json.rst')) {
outputFile = outputFile.slice(0, -4);
transpileRstFile(inputFile, outputFile);
Copy non-.js.rst
files to the target location if --copy-files
specified, otherwise skip.
} else if (argv.copyFiles) {
fs.copySync(inputFile, outputFile);
if (!argv.quiet) {
console.log(`Output written to ${ outputFile }.`);
} else if (!argv.quiet) {
console.log(`Skipped ${ inputFile }.`);
} catch (error) {
Handle each input path in turn.
if (outDirFlagPresent) {
inputs.forEach(input => {
If the path is a directory path, then recursively enumerate the files in that directory and process each individually taking care to calculate the relative output path from the base input directory path.
if (fs.statSync(input).isDirectory()) {
const filenames = utils.recursivelyEnumerate(input);
filenames.forEach(filename => {
transpileFile(filename, path.relative(input, filename));
Otherwise the path is a file and can be processed directly with its basename as the relative output path.
} else {
transpileFile(input, path.basename(input));