Webpack LoaderΒΆ

Webpack is a extensible JavaScript module bundler. It can be configured with custom loaders to support loading filetypes which are not natively supported.

We use this mechanism to support the use of Literacy and .js.rst files in Webpack projects. See the example project at /examples/webpack-literacy for details.

const literacy = require('literacy');

The Webpack documentation on writing loaders outlines how to implement a new loader. For a case like .js.rst the implementation only needs a function to process .js.rst file content to the desired form, e.g. to run the main Literacy module operation.

const path = require('path');

module.exports = function exports(content) {
    if (this.cacheable) {

Determine the Webpack input filename from the context and resource path so that it can be passed to the Literacy generator. An input filename is needed in order to create source maps.

    const inputFilename = path.relative(this.context, this.resourcePath);
    const output = literacy.fromFileContents(inputFilename, content);

    this.callback(null, output.content, output.sourceMap);