
Publishing to NPM

Install the project development dependencies to get a bootstrap Literacy command if this hasn’t been done already.


Build the lib directory contents for publication.

rm -fr lib && yarn build

Login to the npm registry.

$ npm login
Username: woofwoofinc
Email: (this IS public)
Logged in as woofwoofinc on

Then publish.

$ npm publish
+ literacy@1.0.0

The latest version of the Literacy package can be verified in the npm registry at literacy.

Publishing Webpack Loader to NPM

This follows the same pattern as publishing the Literacy module except working from the loader directory.

cd loader

Install the project development dependencies to get a bootstrap Literacy command if this hasn’t been done already.


Build the lib directory contents for publication.

rm -fr lib && yarn build

Login to the npm registry.

$ npm login
Username: woofwoofinc
Email: (this IS public)
Logged in as woofwoofinc on

Then publish.

$ npm publish
+ literacy-loader@1.0.0

The latest version of the Literacy package can be verified in the npm registry at literacy-loader.

Publishing the Documentation

Project documentation is published to using GitHub Pages.

First build the documentation as described in Documentation.

The GitHub configuration for this project is to serve documentation from the gh-pages branch. Rather than attempt to build a new gh-pages in the current repository, it is simpler to copy the repository, change to gh-pages in the repository copy, and clean everything from there. This has the advantage of not operating in the current repository too so it is non-destructive.

Create a copy of the repository.

cp -r literacy literacy-gh-pages

Then change into the new repository and swap to the gh-pages branch.

pushd literacy-gh-pages > /dev/null
git checkout -b gh-pages

Clear out everything in the branch. This uses dot globing and extended glob options to arrange deletion of everything except the .git directory.

shopt -s dotglob
shopt -s extglob
rm -fr !(.git)

shopt -u extglob
shopt -u dotglob

Next, copy in the contents of src/_build/html from the main project repository. This is the latest build of the documentation. Dot globing is used again since the dot files in the src/_build/html directory are also needed.

shopt -s dotglob
cp -r ../literacy/src/_build/html/* .

shopt -u dotglob

Commit the documentation and push the gh-pages branch to GitHub.

git add -A
git commit -m "Add latest documentation."
git push origin gh-pages

Then clean up the temporary repository.

popd > /dev/null
rm -fr literacy-gh-pages